Imagine one day you wake up and your website has been penalized by Google with a sudden decrease in rankings. What could be the reason for this? It is likely that something has changed in Google’s algorithm, with E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) being a key factor.

As part of Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines, E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) is an important factor in website ranking and visibility. Google considers E-A-T when considering which search results to display, and it has recently announced updates to its E-A-T guidelines. This article will provide an overview of these new updates and discuss how they may impact website owners and content creators.

1. What is E-A-T?

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It is a set of guidelines that Google uses to determine the quality and trustworthiness of websites and content. Content that meets the E-A-T criteria is more likely to appear higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). Understanding E-A-T can be challenging for a beginner. But it is essential for anyone who wants to rank higher on SERPs and increase website visibility. According to experts, there are three important criteria that all websites and content must meet to achieve a good ranking:

• Expertise – Content should be created by experts in the field and should offer valuable, factual information.

• Authoritativeness – The content should be from reliable sources.

• Trustworthiness – Content should be accurate, up-to-date, and free of bias.

2. Recent Updates to E-A-T

Google has recently announced updates to its Quality Rater Guidelines, changing how E-A-T is measured. According to the guidelines, website owners and content creators must now demonstrate their expertise in a specific field by providing evidence of credentials, awards, or achievements. Additionally, they must ensure their content is authoritative and trustworthy by providing sources and evidence to support claims.

Furthermore, content creators must also be transparent about their identity and contact information to build trust with readers. But did you also know that Google is now taking other factors into consideration? From mobile-friendliness to using valid markup and structured data, Google has implemented several new rules that must be followed for websites to achieve a good ranking. There’s no denying that these updates have added more complexity and scrutiny to E-A-T, but the good news is that following them can help websites rank higher in SERPs.

If you want to learn more about the new policy, you can read it here.

3. Impact of E-A-T Updates

The new E-A-T updates may significantly impact website owners and content creators. If their websites or content do not meet the new requirements, they may find their visibility in SERPs diminished, or their sites even removed from Google’s index. As a result, it is essential for website owners and content creators to familiarize themselves with the new guidelines and take steps to ensure their websites are in compliance. But what shall they do? Well, they should first evaluate their websites and content to ensure they meet the criteria outlined in the new guidelines. They should also review their sources and evidence to ensure they are accurate and up-to-date.

Furthermore, they should ensure their content is transparent by disclosing any conflicts of interest, affiliations, or personal biases. Finally, website owners and content creators should create a contact page on their websites to help build trust with readers. However, the most important thing is to stay informed, as Google may make additional updates in the future.

4. Who will benefit from the E-A-T updates, and who will not?

The E-A-T updates may provide a boost to websites that are already meeting the new criteria. However, those who have not ensured their websites are in compliance may find their sites dropping in visibility or being removed from Google’s index. Ultimately, the updates will result in a more accurate, reliable SERP user experience. Not only will websites that meet the E-A-T criteria benefit, but so too will the users who rely on search engine results. For example, users searching for medical advice will be more likely to get authoritative, trustworthy results that meet the new E-A-T guidelines. And on the same time, those websites that do not meet the E-A-T criteria will be filtered out in favor of more reliable sources. Doesnt that sound great?

5. The latest update and what to do

Google has recently announced further updates to its Quality Rater Guidelines, expanding upon the criteria for E-A-T. According to the guidelines, websites must now include more detailed information about their authors and content creators, including the author’s name, biography, qualifications, awards, and professional affiliations. Furthermore, websites must clearly describe the content they are publishing and how it relates to their field of expertise. Additionally, websites must provide clear contact information, including a physical address and phone number. Imagine the level of trust it might add to your website. Once you’ve updated your website and content to comply with the new guidelines, it is important to continue monitoring Google’s updates and make any necessary changes. With regular updates and maintenance, your website can meet the high standards of E-A-T and benefit from higher SERP rankings.

6. What to expect in the future

It is likely that Google will continue to refine and expand upon its Quality Rater Guidelines in the future. As technology advances, so too will the criteria for E-A-T. Website owners and content creators should anticipate further changes to ensure their websites comply with Google’s ever-evolving standards. Additionally, website owners and content creators should also keep an eye out for new opportunities to demonstrate their expertise and build trust with potential customers. And while staying up-to-date with the latest updates is important, website owners and content creators should also take steps to create valuable, trustworthy content that will stand the test of time and benefit their websites for years to come.

Final Words

As the digital landscape evolves, so must website owners and content creators. They need to stay informed on the latest updates to Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines and take steps to ensure their websites are in compliance. By following the E-A-T criteria and providing clear, trustworthy information, website owners and content creators can gain the trust of both Google and their readers. Thus, they will be able to create a successful website that meets the needs of all stakeholders. So, let’s get to work and start building trust with Google!


Besides blogging, the writer manages french cuisine during the day and makes art on glass or metal for a living.


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