We usually give a lot of attention to our furniture, fixings, and everything else in our homes, but the one thing that escapes our attention or maybe we don’t look at it enough is our carpets. But the question is, do you want to make your carpet brand new?

So if you want to know, how to make your carpet look brand new, you are at the right place.

Now and then we spill something on the rug, especially if there are children in the house. Then you can be sure that your carpet has the entire history of everything that you ever ate in the house. There will be tea stains, ketchup, mustard, spaghetti, and everything else that a person could think of.

Maybe the kids forgot to take off their shoes when they came in after soccer practice, and now you have a trail of shoe prints leading to and from the door. Whatever is the case, you understand that keeping your carpet in good condition is a frustrating effort. Most people think that carpet cleaning is a complicated and arduous task. You have to remove all the furniture in the room and then clean your carpet. The truth is that you can try a lot of things at home that can keep your rug clean and looking like new.

Here are some of the ways that you can take care of and make your carpet brand new.


One of the essential things that you can do is to keep your carpets decluttered. And this means removing everything that you can from the carpet. And this will ensure that your carpets collect the least amount of dust and other elements. It also means that there will be fewer marks left by heavy things and furniture. Also, whenever you clean, make sure that you clean thoroughly under the furniture and after removing the clutter. There will be a lot of accumulated dust underneath.

Make your carpet brand new

How many times have you went on your hands and knees and inspected your carpet up close? Maybe once, if ever. That is what most of us do. As long as the rug looks beautiful, it is okay. But that could be a mistake that has the capability of ruining your entire carpet, and you will have to look for another one. So take a little time and inspect your carpet. See if any threads are coming out. If there are, you do not want to pull on them. Just take a pair of scissors and cut the threads as close as you can so that it comes level with the rest of the carpet.


If there are stains that you cannot remove, then try a spray on them. There are several products available in the market. Just make sure that you choose the proper one without any toxic elements that can be harmful to you. Follow the instructions on the bottle explicitly, and once you are done, leave the carpet for the amount of time required by the guidelines. Once the period has passed, take a wet rag or a piece of cloth and clear the stain.


If you have furniture on your carpet, then you must have furniture marks on them as well. These don’t go away, and unless you do something about it, they will probably become permanent and ruin the entire look of the carpet. It means that if you try to move your furniture around, there will be visible and ugly marks on the rug that will detract the visitors and guests from the impressive look of the room and keep their gaze focused on the dots.

There are two ways that you can handle this situation. The first way is to use ice cubes. Place ice cubes on the marks and allow them to melt. Once they have completely melted, get some paper towels and gently and thoroughly blot the wet area until there is no more moisture left. Once the area is dry, run the edge of a spoon against the spot to fluff it back up again.

The second way is to use an iron on the affected area. First, take a towel and make sure that it is wet. Wring it out and put it on the marked area. Now heat your iron to the cotton setting and iron the towel that you have placed on the carpet. Make sure to iron extensively on the marked area. Do this for a few minutes, and then leave the sheet to dry. Once it is scorched, remove the towel and fluff the area.


Vacuum Cleaner, Vacuuming, Cleaning, Washing, Cleanup

It is something that you need to do frequently if you want to have a carpet that looks as new as ever. Vacuum your carpet every 15 days, if not every week, to make sure that any dust particles and dirt are left. Pay special attention to high traffic areas that see a lot of action. Other areas that you need to pay attention to are the corners of the carpet, especially if they are against the walls.


If you don’t shampoo your carpet, you should probably start now. You can do it yourself, or you can hire someone to do it for you. Go to your local supermarket, and you can find carpet shampoos that are suited for your carpet. Shampoo your carpet thoroughly and work back and forth on it in straight lines. Start from the inside of the room so that you won’t have to walk on the damp carpet.


Once you have tried the above things, especially after you have shampooed it, deodorize your carpet, or if you don’t have it, sprinkle some baking soda.


Why is this point mentioned twice? Didn’t we discuss vacuuming? Yes, we did. But what you have to do after the cleaning process gives it a quick vacuum before you put your furniture back on the carpet.


If you take care of your carpet by doing the things mentioned above regularly, you will extend its life and make your carpet brand new. If you still think that it hasn’t done the trick, then you need to consider calling professionals to take care of your problem.


Besides blogging, the writer manages french cuisine during the day and makes art on glass or metal for a living.


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